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Data services

Data services are SoftNET's core business since the beginning and rely on our own IP network. It's features and flexibility allow us the setting up of a full suite of secure, reliable Data services that can be tailored to meet the differing requirements of each customers.

One single contact for all technical and sales issues results in faster deployment, fewer problems in operations and lower overall cost. With direct connections to Tier-1 networks and open peering policy, SoftNET can be an excellent choice for fast and reliable Internet connectivity. SLA agreement is a standard term. Also we can offer direct access to our highly trained technical support team 24/7/365.



MPLS VPN and EVPL - robust and high-quality services bring great flexibility and adaptability to the enterprise corporate networking world.

Allows creation of virtual private networks (VPNs) and Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EVPL) inside SoftNET Global Network (Link to Softnet Network) to help connect your offices and branches effectively and globally.

Dedicated Internet Access

Dedicated Internet Access

SoftNET offers dedicated internet access to companies in demand of a high level of service for their mission-critical business communications and applications.

Most of the Internet services available would guarantee bandwidth until their own POP or within their own country. Unfortunately, there are major issues between countries or continents due to providers’ bandwidth over-booking, lack of peering partners or major international cable cuts.

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